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2022 Speakers

The science of nutritional foods for health and other wellness information about Cardiovascular diseases and Cancers

Benigno Villalon, Speaker at Plant Biology Conferences
Texas A & M University, United States
Title : The science of nutritional foods for health and other wellness information about Cardiovascular diseases and Cancers


The USA wastes over $3.5 trillion trying to keep its sick citizens from dying, but they still die too soon. The obesity and diabetes rates in our country have reached tsunamic proportions. A weak immune system results in many human diseases (heart, hypertension, high blood sugar, obesity, diabetes, pancreas, liver, kidney failures, dementia and cancers). The metabolic syndrome can be the result of several inflammatory factors such as high triglycerides, low HDL, high number of small LDL particles (cholesterol carriers) and excess sugars, these things lead to disease. Abundant scientific evidence shows that we can maintain a healthy longevity by following simple lifestyle rules of prevention. This requires a dramatic lifestyle change including daily exercise to strengthen all organs (muscles, stimulate the brain) and reduce the metabolic syndrome by at least 80 % (Katz).

Food is the most important medicine in the world. Conversely, food is the most important poison in the world. Two main sources of food are animals and plants. Animal food (grass fed non-processed meats) provides good proteins, saturated fats, essential minerals and vitamins (not found in plants), and some carbohydrates. Good scientific evidence proves adequate cholesterol and animal saturated fats do not cause cardiovascular diseases (Kresser). Fresh unprocessed plant food provides good proteins, mono and polyunsaturated vegetable fats (i.e., avocados, nuts, olive and coconut oils, etc.), also essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and mainly low glycemic index carbohydrates and high fiber. Good fresh vegetables include peppers, tomatoes, onions, garlic, legumes, all greens, include kale, spinach, (dressing = olive oil & apple cider vinegar), spices, etc. Both food sources provide enough essential nutrients and powerful heart healthy antioxidants. Science indicates 80% of vegans might have nutritional deficiencies in certain vitamins, minerals, etc. found only in animal foods. Beware of artificial supplements. One should limit to no consumption of processed polyunsaturated vegetables oils (trans fatty acids) as they may increase triglycerides, and omeg-6 fatty acids. These saturated fats (oils) include canola seed; corn seed; cottonseed; safflower seed; soybean seed; and sunflower seed. These oils (trans fatty acids) may be toxic (Mercola). Food is digested down to three main macromolecules: proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. A perfectly balanced meal must contain the right proportions of these macromolecules in groups. A group collectively could be 9g protein, 7g fat, 1.5g carbohydrates for every meal. The average number of groups may be three to four per meal.  No two human lifestyles are alike.

All foods contain carbohydrates. There are some 250 different kinds of sugars.  There is no such thing as sugarless or sugar free foods.    Excess sugars turn into fat and negatively impacts all body organs, leading to fatty liver, cirrhosis, and cancers. Sugars force the pancreas to produce insulin, insulin in right amounts is required for glucose cell absorption, for body energy, excess glucose leads to insulin resistance and type two diabetes (T2D). T2D is manmade and might be completely reversed without drugs and by reducing sugar intake. Conversely, glucose in proper proportion is the most important energy source for a healthy body.

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic autoimmune disorder characterized by destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic β cells (any age).  You might need insulin injections daily.  Autoimmune disorders produce antibodies that also attack many body organs, i.e., lupus, MS, Psoriasis, etc. Fructose goes straight to the liver, is toxic, stores fat, and leads to (fatty liver), cirrhosis and cancers. All fruits contain fructose, fiber may slow these processes, but it still is fructose. Eliminate high fructose corn syrup (Lustig).

Cancers, may not be prevented, however, new genetic immunotherapy, CAR-T cell and other new procedures are dramatically eliminating many kinds of cancers successfully (Allison).

So, eat food, not too much, mainly fresh vegetables, grass fed non-processed meats, minimize fruits, grain products (breads, cereal, pasta, heavy starches, pastries), sodas all kinds with high glycemic index sugars, exercise daily before breakfast, and live healthily ever after.

Eat food to reduce obesity, diabetes and cancer today

Eating to reduce obesity, diabetes and cancer can be accomplished simply by adding a few of our disease fighting foods to your meals each day. Like life itself, one’s diet is all about making choices. Since we all eat every day, why not choose foods that can reduce your risk of disease? Listed below are some food facts, supported by scientific research, to help you get the most cancer/diabetes fighting benefits from your diet? Some scientific trials may be inconclusive?

Eliminate excess sugars to reduce weight, obesity, CVD, diabetes and cancers, etc. 

Sugar is toxic, deadly, and 10 times more addictive than cocaine and or heroin (Lustig).

Be picky. Bell peppers contain 5 times more Vitamins C and A than tomatoes and 3 times more C and A than any citrus. Red Delicious apples have many cancer fighters. Peppers, tomatoes and onions contain many cancers fighting compounds (salsa picante). Red Wine grapes and many berries contain resveratrol, a cancer fighter. Eat Your Sprouts. Broccoli sprouts can contain more cancer-fighting properties than regular broccoli. Green teas contain cancer-fighting molecules. Most vegetables can be eaten fresh. Raw tomatoes are good but slightly cooking them in olive oil releases more lycopene, the cancer fighter. Chew Your Greens. Chewing kale, spinach, leafy greens with olive oil & apple cider vinegar helps to release enzymes that activate cancer-fighting molecules embedded deep in the leaves. Go Soy, fermented soy, like the kind used in miso soup, contains four times more cancer fighters than regular soybeans.

Choose one cancer fighting food for each meal. At 3 meals each day, that adds up to more than a 1,000 of cancer fighting food choices each year.



Dr. Robert Atkins                 High Protein, Low Carbohydrates

Dr. R. K. Bernstein               Diabetes, Blood Sugar Meters

Dr. Johanna Budwig            Essential Nutrients Cure Cancer

Dr. Aubrey de Grey              Senescence, under 60, might live 1,000 years

Dr. William H. Hay              Food Combining – 1911

Dr. David L. Katz                Yale University Director Prevention Research Center

MS. Chris Kresser Paleo Nutrition, Functional & Integrative Medicine

Dr. Robert H. Lustig            Excess sugar is addictive & fattening, Fructose goes straight to liver damage

Dr. J.P. Mercola                    Saturated fats & cholesterol are our friends

Dr. Weston A. Price              Price Foundation-1930’s, Saturated Fat, Nutrition & Physical Degeneration

Dr. Berry Sears                     Zone Diet

There are thousands of other internationally renowned Research Medical Doctors and Scientists dedicated to the prevention of human disease through proper nutritional foods for health.

Our government and the entire medical profession should emphasis human disease prevention.

DISCLAIMER:  Any medical related information presented in this health/nutrition seminar is at best of a general nature and cannot be substituted for the advice of a medical professional, i.e., qualified doctor/physician, nurse, pharmacist/chemist, etc. None of the individual contributors nor anyone else connected to these presentations can take any responsibility for the results or consequences of any attempt to use or adopt any information presented.  Nothing should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a medical opinion or otherwise engage in the practice of medicine.


Dr. Villalon, a full Professor and a senior resident research scientist at the Texas A&M University Research and Extension Center in Weslaco, Texas has authored over seventy-five scientific, refereed journal publications related to his pathology and breeding achievements. Ben’s professional affiliations include the American Phytological Society with associate membership in the U.S. Southern, Mexican and Carribbean Divisions; the American Society for Horticultural Science; the Rio Grande Valley Horticultural Society (past president and secretary); Texas Association of Plant Pathologists and Nematologists and Gamma Sigma Delta Agricultural Honor Society. Dr. Villalon has served as a member of the Texas A&M University Graduate Faculty and has participated on fifteen different graduate student committees at both the M.S. and Ph.D. levels.

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