Title: Development of Disease and Insect Resistant Capsicums
Title: Genomics a tool in conifer breeding: Norway spruce a case study
Title: The negative effect of compaction on the physical properties of chernozem
Title: Leaves’ response from Woody Species as an Indicator of Environmental Pollution
Title: A novel ubiquitin-independent role of MATH-BTB protein family in RNA-directed DNA methylation
Title: How much can some wild plant species accumulate chemical elements and why is this important to us?
Title: Impact of Air Pollution on Environment and Human Health
Title: Biological features of Maclura pomifera (Rafin.) Schneider in the southern European part of Russia
Title: Applications of the (Z)-3-hexenyl butyrate in agriculture
Title: Regulation of plasmodesmata-mediated phloem unloading in roots
Title: Phenolic compounds of plants as bioactive for the cosmetic industry
Title: Effects of Biozyme T. F., A Plant Hormone on Growth and Yield in Glycine max
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