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GPB 2021

Lacramioara Carmen Ivanescu

Lacramioara Carmen Ivanescu, Speaker at Plant Science Conferences
Lacramioara Carmen Ivanescu
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania


Academic position: Senior Lecturer to Department of Biology, Faculty of Biology, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza University"(UAIC), Iasi, Romania.

Fields of competence: morphology and plant anatomy; microscopy; industrial and urban pollution; halophytes.

Scientific activities: PhD Thesis in Biology Science, Research on the Influence of Atmospheric Pollutants on the Foliar Apparatus of Species of Cultivated and Spontaneous Plants, 1999, November 23, UAIC (I presented the results regarding the effects of atmospheric pollutants on the structure of more than 50 species of wooden and herbal plants located in the industrial areas from Romania. Scanning electronic microscopy (S.E.M.) investigations were performed for the first time in Romania, monitoring the reactions on the foliar cuticular surfaces as a marker bioindicator. A part of these results were re-evaluated in my research project Cyto-histo-anatomical research on vegetative organs of Gymnosperm species from forest areas with a searing risk and published into a book in 2003, Influenta poluarii  atmosferice asupra structurii plantelor (Influence of Atmospheric Pollution on Plant Structure), Andrei Saguna Foundation Publishing House, Constanta, 394 pp., ISBN 973-8146-67-4 (Lacramioara Ivanescu & Constantin Toma).

Member in Editorial Board: International Program Committee al WSEAS Conference, Bucharest, Romania, June 2008

Member in Editorial Board: International Program Committee al WSEAS Conference, RES, Corfu, Grecia, 26-28 October 2008 (2nd International conference on WASTE MANAGEMENT, WATER POLLUTION, AIR POLLUTION,INDOOR CLIMATE, WWAI' 08) Chairman, International Conference WASTE MANAGEMENT, WATER POLLUTION, AIR POLLUTION, INDOOR CLIMATE (WWAI 2007), Arcachon, Franta, 14 – 16 October, 2007

Published papers: over 100 out of which 35 about the influence of the atmospheric pollution on plant structure in journals contributed as author/co-author; over 300 citations of my scientific papers.2016, EMIL RACOVITA PRIZE of the ROMANIAN ACADEMY, Halophytes: An Integrative Anatomical Study, Springer International Publishing, 2014,548 pp., ISBN: 978-3-319-05728-6 (print), ISBN: 978-3-319-05729-3 (online) (M.N. Grigore, Lacramioara Ivanescu & C. Toma); over 80 citation of the book; Book Performance Report (2019) indicates over 22,000 downloads of the book (in full and by chapters) in the period 2014-2019.
