Dr. Lastochkina is a senior researcher at the Bashkir Research Institute of Agriculture (BRIA) Ufa Federal Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences (UFRC RAS) and Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics (IBG) UFRC RAS, (Ufa, Russia). She received her PhD degree in 2011 at the IBG UFRC RAS. Her research areas include Plants Stress Physiology/Biochemistry, Natural growth regulators (PGPB, Bacillus subtilis, SA, jasmonic acid)-Induced Plants Stress Resistance/Tolerance. Her current work is focused on the physio-biochemical and molecular mechanisms of endophytic B. subtilis-induced plants development and response to pathogens, salinity, and drought. She has published more than 80 research articles.
Title : Endophytic bacteria Bacillus subtilis and salicylic acid: Biotic strategy to control postharvest diseases of Solanum tuberosum L