Mrs Delphine Steinbach, studied Biology, Plant Physiology and Computer Science at the Nancy Sciences University, in France. She graduated as software engineer in 1992 (master 2 degree) with a double skill in Physiology. She worked at Genethon, to help scientists to find genes involved in complex genetics disease. She joined the team of J. Weissenbach, contributed to the first genetic map of the Human Genome, Nature 2006 and moved to Genoscope, the national sequencing center. In 2000, she joined INRA, the national institute for agronomical research and was the vice director of URGI research unit, leading its bioinformatics facility. Since 2015, she leads the ABI-SOFT INRA group at Genetique Quantitative and Evolution – The Moulon, on the campus of University Paris-Saclay.
Title : ThaliaDB, a tool for data management and genetic diversity data exploration