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2022 Speakers

Adaptive and productive potential and hormone balance

Vaschenko Victor, Speaker at Plant Biotechnology Conferences
Elets State University, Russian Federation
Title : Adaptive and productive potential and hormone balance


The theory of organogenesis from the initial cell of a whole plant and a method for considering the effect on apical dominance as the initiation of an adaptive, productive potential. shows the responsiveness of initial cells from treatment with homoproducers and mineral elements foliar, compensatory mechanisms of productivity elements and their ability to influence the ratio of hormones, stimulants and inhibitors on the growth and development of plants and sowing. The method of geographical testing makes it possible to consider the cultivation area and, in phases, the method and period of adaptation and the formation of productivity, on crops of the next and simultaneous dominance. The ecological test over the years in one zone sometimes exceeds geographical differences and shows the demand for soil and nutrition, which, with a favorable coincidence of precipitation and exactingness in phases and the ability to activate apical points or various elements of productivity, then natural demands exceed agrotechnical possibilities. The growth inhibitor ethylene contributes to the termination of growth and the formation of seed quality and maturity. Stimulants at the wrong time in phases can exogenously reduce the quality and value of the yield. On average, productivity corresponds to the favorable weather factors in the zone and is the result of the balance of hormones and trophic and agrotechnical factors. The hormone changes its status quickly, but there is a model of ideal productivity. Demanding or tolerance to agricultural technology is combined compensatory with the environment and is a stable deterministic property of the species. The need for phases can be ideal and can be compensated for in ontogeny in crops with another simultaneous apical dominance, but the number of stems in barley is the most capacious element of productivity and is formed earlier than the calendar, while in rapeseed the number of seeds is formed in the generative phase most capaciously. In the Russian Federation, the adaptive potential of rapeseed corresponds to isotherms of 17-19 ?? and precipitation of June-July 50-70 mm in flowering, and in barley, a prolonged and cold spring or autumn (winter crops) in the phase of formation of the number of stems or early sowing. The weather differences exceed the zonal ones and this is an unfavorable year for rapeseed.         

The phenotypic sign of orthotropy is formed as resistance to lodging by the hormone inhibitor ethylene, reduces the stimulant auxin and vegetative growth and is associated with unfavorable and arid conditions of arid conditions, illumination or cultivation zone and the morphological sign of erecdoid spike. Traits are homologous in different plant species. A single sowing treatment can change the stability of sowing and the quality of seeds only at the end of the formation of seeds, but then otherwise elements of productivity can be compensated unfavorably for quality and quantity due to the discrepancy between the status of hormones and the phase of development.

The relationship between productivity and adaptability, environment and technology in intact sowing and the realization of growth morphogenesis is integral and is a balance of hormones, stimulants and inhibitors simultaneously from nutrition, environmental precipitation, and can be a biological basis for plant growing as a craft of the possible. The productive and adaptive potential of a species can be considered the correspondence of the phase, environment and agricultural technology and the ability of hormone balance to activate the morphogenesis of a sufficient number of elements of productivity and quality of seeds and the corresponding vegetative mass.


He studied breeding at the Voronezh Agrarian University, defended his master's degree at the Moscow Institute of Agriculture and doctoral studies at Elets State University and held the position of assistant professor there. Published over 70 scientific articles in journals.

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