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2022 Speakers

Features of restoration of disturbed pine forests (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the European north of Russia

Vasily Trofimovich Yarmishko, Speaker at Plant Science Conferences
Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
Title : Features of restoration of disturbed pine forests (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the European north of Russia


The features of restoration of disturbed lichen-green-mossy pine forests (Pinus sylvestris L.) of III-IV age classes in deforestation and burning in the Kola North (Russia) were studied. It is established that the current trends in the formation of secondary pine forests are due to natural processes and intra-population relationships. In the central part of the Kola Peninsula, where a powerful metallurgical plant is located, the main cause of damage, weakening and even destruction of young pine forests is aerotechnogenic pollution of SO2 with an admixture of heavy metals (Ni, Cu, Co, etc.). One of the first signs of deviation of the vital state of the common pine from the norm is dechromation of needles and its premature fall. This is the reason for the decrease in the life expectancy of needles on trees to 3-4 years in the area of intense pollution compared to 6-7 years in background stands. Atmospheric pollution suppresses growth processes, the vital structure of medium-aged lichen-green moss pine forests is noticeably deteriorating. The currently observed improvement in the condition of pine forests in areas of industrial atmospheric pollution on the Kola Peninsula (reduction in the damage of needles and an increase in their life expectancy on trees, intensification of growth processes, improvement of the living condition of individual trees and stands) indicate a positive reaction of Pinus sylvestris to a 6-8-fold reduction in the amount of atmospheric emissions of toxic substances since the beginning of the third millennium.


Vasily Trofimovich Yarmishko, born July 26, 1947 in the village of Zhovnino, Cherkasy region (Ukraine), graduated from the Forestry Faculty of the Leningrad Forestry Academy in 1973, Doctor of Biological Sciences (1994), Professor (2001), Head of the Department of the Peter the Great Botanical Garden of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Botany and Dendrology of the St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.M. Kirov (concurrently). He has published more than 270 scientific articles in various journals. Office address: 197376 St. Petersburg, Prof. Popova, house 2, V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy  of Sciences

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