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2022 Speakers

Improving seed germination and seedling growth of maize (Zea mays, L.) seed by soaking in water and moringa oleifera leaf extract

Abeer Abdelaty Ahmed Mohammed, Speaker at Plant Science Conferences
Agriculture Research Center, Egypt
Title : Improving seed germination and seedling growth of maize (Zea mays, L.) seed by soaking in water and moringa oleifera leaf extract


This experiment was carried out to evaluate the optimal soaking duration(12, 16 and 20 hours) and using Moringa leaves extract which was (0.25, 0.5 and 1.00 g). Results showed that using Moringa leaf extract at a concentration of 0.25 g/mm for 20 /or 16 hour durations as a seed soaking treatment, it can stimulate the rapid of germination, promote germination percentage, and have positive effects on seedlings growth, resulting in healthy and strong seedlings.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • This research will help researchers through using important plant extracts for enhancing germination and seedling growth especially with the most crops in the world its maize. Also technique which used during prepares extract and results very unique, perhaps they will use it with another crop too.
  • We used new concentration no one used before so this will be quite benefit to all researchers.
  • Through this research we improved germination traits of maize therefore the maize seed will be able germinate perfectly with increase seed germination percentage will provide cost of seed and number of seed which we need to grow.


Abeer Abdelaty Ahmed, Senior Researcher (PhD), Seed Secience and technology Dept., Field Crops Research Inst., Agriculture Research Center, Egypt. I was graduate B.Sc (Agronomy Sciences), Fac.of Agric, Ain Shams Univ.2000.  M.Sc.(Agronomy Sciences), Fac.of Agric, Ain shams Univ. under title: “ Response of some wheat genotypes to salinity and drought 2006", Dr. Abeer gets her Ph.D. from (Agriculture Research Center), Field Crops Inst., Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University Under title“ Identification and yield performance of some faba bean germplasm”.Oct/2014 under my supervisor. I have travelled to many countries to attend many trainings about agriculture as China , India and Netherlands. I have many published research about crop production, plant genetic resources and seed science and technology.

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