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GPB 2022

Save water while enhancing restoration success under the challenges of climate change

Valasia Iakovoglou, Speaker at Plant Biology Conferences
UNESCO chair Con-E-Ect, International Hellenic University, Greece
Title : Save water while enhancing restoration success under the challenges of climate change


Increased aridity levels is one of the predicted climatic alterations. Restoration efforts particularly in the semi-arid areas of the Mediterranean region pose many obstacles that associates with higher frequency and intensity of drought events. Safeguarding the biodiversity levels of those ecosystems by increasing restoration success is of crucial importance. Research have shown that seedlings that have undergone a period of stress, can better overcome adverse growth conditions. Based on the presented research, seedlings of forest species were subjected to irrigation treatments. The results of this research have indicated that seedlings treated with reduced water frequency prior to field transplanting, were able to successfully maintain their growth under field conditions. Consequently, the benefit is dual when applying reduced watering; save water while increasing transplanting success under field semi-arid Mediterranean summer growth conditions.

Audience Take Away: 

  • Tool to increasing restoration success.
  • Ways to resolve water-related problems under the challenges of climate change.
  • Understand the impact of species.


Dr. Valasia Iakovoglou is a distinct graduate of Iowa State University, USA. She has more than 25-yrs of national/international research and teaching experience as an Ecophysiologist/Silviculture expert in seedling production and Restoration/Conservation of Ecosystems with emphasis on Biodiversity under the challenges of Climate Change. She has received numerous scholarships, awards and recognitions. She is an editor of more than ten international journals and a reviewer in more than fifteen, as well as a reviewer at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). She has more than 100 publications (books/book chapters, peer-reviewed scientific articles) and more than 20 international projects. She is active in many scientific societies such as the Mediterranean Experts of Climate and environmental Change (MedECC) and the International Network of Bioresource Management (INBM). She holds leading positions such as: Director of Ecotourism Sector of the UNESCO chair Con-E-Ect; Executive Board of Directors of Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network Global (GCSAYN) in Africa; “General Secretary” of associations such as the “Association of Inter-Balkan Woman’s Cooperation Societies (AIWCS)” of UNESCO Center for the peace in the Balkan area; International Council of World Tourism Forum Institute; Country Chair of Greece of the G100 Women of the World serving as for Farming and AgriTourism

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