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2022 Speakers

Study of genetic diversity in char land chilli

Md Noor Alam Chowdhury, Speaker at Plant Science Conferences
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bangladesh
Title : Study of genetic diversity in char land chilli


The experiment was conducted at Spices Research Centre, Shibganj, Bogra during 2015-2016 with a view to study the genetic diversity and selection of suitable genotype for future breeding program. Ninety five chilli lines of char land were used in this study. D2 analysis of 95 chilli lines and analysis of variance were done. The lines were grouped into seven clusters. It was found that the inter-cluster distance was larger than the intra-cluster distance. The highest intra-cluster distance was observed in cluster I(1.0953) and the lowest was in cluster III (0.533).The highest inter-cluster distance was observed between clusters V and I (16.752), followed by cluster II and I (14.571), III and I (12.767), VII and V (11.305). The lowest inter-cluster distance was observed between cluster III and II (2.516) followed by V and II (2.577). It may be concluded that the cluster V and I (15) could be used for future breeding work.The experiment was conducted at Spices Research Centre, Shibganj, Bogra during 2015-2016 with a view to study the genetic diversity and selection of suitable genotype for future breeding program. Ninety five chilli lines of char land were used in this study. D2 analysis of 95 chilli lines and analysis of variance were done. The lines were grouped into seven clusters. It was found that the inter-cluster distance was larger than the intra-cluster distance. The highest intra-cluster distance was observed in cluster I(1.0953) and the lowest was in cluster III (0.533).The highest inter-cluster distance was observed between clusters V and I (16.752), followed by cluster II and I (14.571), III and I (12.767), VII and V (11.305). The lowest inter-cluster distance was observed between cluster III and II (2.516) followed by V and II (2.577). It may be concluded that the cluster V and I (15) could be used for future breeding work.


Mr. Chowdhury is a horticulturist. He has been working at Spices Research Centre, Shibganj, Bogura as a Senior Scientific Officer under Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur Gazipur, Bangladesh. He is involved in onion and chilli improvement program of Spices Research Centre. Earlier he worked in World Vision Bangladesh, Fruit Improvement Project (FIP), Garlic Improvement Project, under Department of Horticulture of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. His research experience is more than 22 years. During that period, he worked with varietal improvement of horticultural crops especially on onion and chilli improvement program. He has published 38 scientific articles in different journal from home and abroad. He was involved as a senior breeder for releasing four spices crop variety (Onion, Chilli, Chive and Mint). Recently he screen out one onion line against thrips which is world wide problem of onion cultivation.

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