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2022 Speakers

Yield stability and prospect of anthocyanins corn in Indonesia

Muhamad Yasin Hasanul Gaffar, Speaker at Plant Biology Conferences
Research staf of ICERI, Indonesia
Title : Yield stability and prospect of anthocyanins corn in Indonesia


Anthocyanins held to increase of human health. The origin of anthocyanins corn is from Mesoamerica it is a pigment that give color of purple to black may affect to anticipated of viral (virus), cholesterol, heart disease, obesity, and cancer. It has many excellent characters and higher economic value, that makes it an importance raw material for food industries, textiles, paper making and feed. Anthocyanins corn is a recessive characteristic, production must be isolated from normal/dent to prevent losing the periculiar starch and color properties. Most anthocyanins corn presently grown in Asian countries includeding in Indonesia are local cultivars. The content of anthocyanins corn was higher 330% than check local variety. There are cultivar also have some unfavorable traits which are specific adaptations, disease susceptibility, non uniformity, and low yield. The yield stability experiments conducted as EVT (evaluation variety trial) in 2017 to evaluate of  F1 top cross hybrid under six environments in central corn of IND. The objective of this experiment was to find out yield stability of genotypes. Genotype was stable could be promising as new candidate variety to find of prospect to develop of hybrid corn which is high content of anthocyanins. Ten genotypes (G), and six environments (E) ; e1.Maros expm farm, e2:Bajeng, e3:Bontobili, experimental farm of Sidondo (e4) in Cenral Sulawesi, farmers field in Polman (e5) West Sulawesi and in Pakanbaru-Riau (e6) were evaluated under rainy and dry season (S). Variable to observed were analyzed by statistical with three factors interaction (GxExS). The result shown that top cross hybrid of G1. PMU(S1)Synt.F.C1-2-3 x tester (PPH.S2.C2) was founded potential of yield 9.78 t/ha and average 8.60 t/ha. The hypothesis of H0:β=1 was significant different to stable and coefficient effect shown that yield be increasing if planted condition was high adapted. The characters height of ear plant was suitable in selection criteria, be founded around middle of plant height. The asi (anthesis silking interval) were founded three days, plant aspect and husc cover was be score one. The G1 could be promising as new hybrid of anthocyanins corn and could be as raw material for pharmacy to generate of ingredients or medicine.


My nickname is yasin, I was born on 8 Feb 1954 in majene district of west sulawesi province, after graduating from high school continue to faculty of agriculture in Hasanuddin University in Makassar (Capital city of south sulawesi), majoring in agronomy. I was assistant of statitics and mathematic untill finished of S1 program. In 1980 I’m employee as researcher agronomy in agriculture depart. Continuing S2 program in IPB (Bogor agric Inst) in major of Statictical Aplication. I’m got of goverment staff as researcher for breeding corn in ICERI (Indonesian Cereal Research Institute), and I’v released of eighy OPVs and four hybrids corn), cover planted of farmers over > 500.000 ha. My books essay three statistics and two corn breeding after retirement in agric depart, as principal of research expert. now I’was a lecturer in agric faculty of Muslim Univ. of Makassar. Overseas visited: IRRI Philippnes, ICRISAT India, Thailand, Brisbane – Australia, CIMMYT Mexico, China, and Kyoto Japan. I’ve married and have two sons, two daughers and six grandchildrens.

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