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2023 Speakers

Management of phytonematodes in potato in india

Davabhai Jethabhai Patel, Speaker at Plant Science Conferences
Anand Agricultural university, India
Title : Management of phytonematodes in potato in india


Global production of potato is about 320 MT of which China (72 MT), Russia (35 MT) and India (26 MT) are the major producers. Plant-parasitic nematodes are a significant factor limiting potato production and tuber quality in several regions where potato is produced. Overall, parasitic nematodes alone cause an estimated annual crop loss of $ 78 billion worldwide and an average crop yield loss of 10–15%. In India, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Assam, Haryana, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh are the major potato producing states. In India among,  Potato Golden Nematodes ( PGN) ( Globodera rostochiensis  &  G. pallida), Root - Knot nematodes (RKN) ( Meloidogyne incognita & M. javanica ) both on roots and tubers Reniform ( Rotylenchulus reniformis),Stunt ( Tylenchorhynchus spp.),Spiral ( Helicotylenchus spp.) & Lesion ( Pratylenchus spp.) parasitizing potato, PGN and RKN are  major crop damaging enemies. Feeding of both these nematodes reduces  vigor of plants and causes blemishes on tubers. The latter can lead to a severe reduction in tuber quality. Symptoms of damage include stunting, yellowing of plant leaves and loss of plant vitality.

Nematode infection can be checked by using  certified  planting materials from nematode infection, strictly observing sanitation of farm, implements used, adding adequate good quality organic manures such as FYM, deoiled cakes as fertilizers. Even soil solarization with LLDPE 40 microns  clear  film and growing nematode free rotation  crops like rapeseed. mustard, sudan grass, etc. can help to manage nematodes. Bio agents viz. Pochonia chlamydosporium, Purpuriocillium lilacinum  , Pasteuria spp. Trichoderma spp., Pseudomonas fluorescens, etc. can be used for nematode management  
 Based on two years pooled data,application of   Denicotinized Tobacco Dist (DTD) containing (12-13% Ca, 0.2-.0.6 % nicotine,2.2 % N,0.50% P & o.40% K) indicated no toxic effects of DTD  on seed germination even  in higher dose of  DTD 16 t/ha .Both common scab and RKN diseases were decreased significantly with corresponding increase in DTD doses from 4-16 t/ha indicating  61.72% and 53.47 % decrease in  common scab and RKN diseases  respectively over control. Similarly in another field  trial based on two years pooled data, potato seed treatment with Boric acid and  Trichoderma  viride  +  Pseudomonas fluorescens  each @ 3 % (w/w) coupled with soil application of Trichoderma  viride  + Purpuriocillium lilacinum  + Pseudomonas fluorescens  each @ 4 kg/ha under crop row  proved  cost effective practice  for management of Common scab and root- knot nematodes in potato field.  Even soil fumigation with Metham- Sodium and shell DD has also  proved effective for suppressing  cysts nematodes in potato fields.  However,there is an urgent need to take up massive efforts by nematologists for management of potato nematodes to help farmers in India.



Born on June 5, 1944 at village Sapawada, Ta. Idar, Dist. Sabarkantha.  Received B. Sc.( Agri.) degree  with first class in 1967 and M. Sc.( Agri.) & Ph.D. in Plant Pathology  with  specialization in Plant Nematology with first class in 1972 & 1976 as in-service. Joined as Senior Research Assistant ( Plant Pathology) in Bidi Tobacco Research Station, Institute of Agriculture, Anand on June28,1967. Subsequently served as Instructor in Plant Protection, Nematologist, Professor& Head, Dept. of Nematology, In Charge Director of Campus at Anand & Navsari and retired as Principal & Dean, B. A. College of Agriculture, AAU, Anand on June 30, 2004 after serving for 38 years in the fields of education, research, extension education and administration   in  Agriculture. Published 240 research papers in national and international journals, 9 book  chapters, 3 bulletins & 3 review articles. Received 4 national and international  trainings in Nematology.   Presented 148 research papers in national & international seminars, attended 93 national & international workshops/seminars/symposia, 22 memberships in scientific societies. Received 10 awards/medals, served in more than 24 scientific & educational institution, worked as Presidents of Nematological society of India & Indian Society of Mycology & Plant Pathology. Worked as expert s inscientific panels, members of several QRTs, Chairman  of QRT on AICRP ON Nematodes. Guided 8 M.Sc.( Agri.) and  6 Ph.D. students in Plant Nematology. Delivered   several radio talks/ door darshan programs for farmers. Organized several scientific seminars/ workshops/ farmer’s  training programs. Visited USA, UK, Germany, Israel, China, Uganda, Kenya , Malawi, Tanzania Nepal. Presently working as advisors/consultants in few firms.

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