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2024 Speakers

Expanding global table grape production and consumption trends driven by new seedless varieties

Manuel Tornel Martinez, Speaker at Plant Biology Conferences
Instituto Murciano de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario, Spain
Title : Expanding global table grape production and consumption trends driven by new seedless varieties


Table grape consumption worldwide has experienced a remarkable growth in the first two decades of the 21st century, becoming the third most consumed fresh fruit in some countries, after bananas and apples. This increase has been attributed to several reasons, including the availability of seedless grapes, which has been a key factor in the increase in consumption. These grapes are appreciated for their convenience, as they can be consumed directly as a pre-prepared convenience product, without the need for factory processing, facilitating their inclusion in the daily diet of many people.

The new table grapes are known for their crunchy texture and the relatively large size of their berries, characteristics that have contributed to their appeal, offering a pleasant sensory experience when consumed.
The diversity of flavors of table grapes, such as muscat, foxé, or the combination of both, has been an additional factor that has attracted consumers. The sweet taste, sometimes similar to candy, has made table grapes a popular choice, especially among those looking for healthy and tasty snack alternatives.

The high content of phenolic compounds and the antioxidant capacity of grapes are characteristics highly valued by consumers and may also have beneficial effects on cardiovascular health and may contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases, in addition to combating oxidative stress in the body associated with aging and the development of various diseases, so consuming foods rich in antioxidants, such as grapes, can help maintain cellular health, being recognized as a very healthy fruit.


Agronomist engineer with a PhD in agricultural research that leads the table grape team at IMIDA, the public institute for agricultural research. Together with ITUM, we have developed a genetic breeding program to obtain new varieties of seedless table grapes, using biotechnological techniques such as in vitro culture and molecular markers to obtain seedlings. Breeder of 20 new varieties already being grown in Spain; the first commercial farms are being stablished in Chile, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, Namibia and Australia, with South Africa, India and USA to follow in the next few years. Two of the varieties have genes for resistance to powdery mildew, focusing on organic farming.

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