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GPB 2025

Biogeosystem technique methodology in plant development condition refinement contributing to safe plant biology and ecosphere expanded reproduction

Valery P Kalinitchenko, Speaker at Plant Biology Conferences
All-Russian Phytopathology Research Institute, Russian Federation
Title : Biogeosystem technique methodology in plant development condition refinement contributing to safe plant biology and ecosphere expanded reproduction


To increase the biosphere food and energy production, we developed a transcendental (not a standard direct imitation of nature) Biogeosystem Technique (BGT*) theoretical and technological framework to refine a technology imbedding to the ecosphere. The BGT* provides a higher rate waste recycling, an improved soil productivity and ensures improved conditions for the plant development. This is a contribution to the ecosphere plant biology. The BGT* methodology includes: When applied once, the 20–50 cm layer intra-soil milling provides a soil stable fine multilevel geophysical architecture for a period up to 40 years improving rhizosphere soil biome, ensuring an optimal plant ontogenesis and providing a high rate long-term soil fertility. The intra-soil pulse sequential-discrete watering ensures a matrix potential of the soil solution in the range circa −0.2 MPa to −0.4 MPa and a plant stomatal apparatus operates in a regulation mode. A water consumption of plants at this rather low matrix potential is circa 5 to 20 times less compared to the standard irrigation. Improved water and nutrient supply provides an optimal ontogenesis and a high productivity of plants. The current outdated technologies of C irreversible sequestration fail in environmentally safe waste recycling, energy renewal, and safe ecosphere expanded reproduction. We developed a reversible sequestration of atmosphere C, simultaneously expanding a C soil and biological active phase. The BGT* includes the C-free gasification byproduct intra-soil recycling. This provides a safety of environment and a higher soil biological productivity of ecosphere ensuring a higher rate atmosphere CO2 disposing by plants and C reversible sequestration in the additional biomass and soil organic matter mitigating the climate system. The BGT* is a new level contribution in the plant biology field because is capable to provide utterly possibility to the plant biology studies in a new highly productive and pollution free plant development ecosphere conditions.  


Professor Dr Sc (Biol) Valery P. Kalinitchenko. Institute of Fertility of Soils of South Russia, Director, Persianovka, Russia. All-Russian Phytopathology Research Institute, Leading Researcher, Big Vyazemy, Russia. Doctoral Degree in 1991 in Moscow State University, Soil Science Faculty. Don State Agrarian University, Persianovka, Russia, in 1976-2012, including Agriculture and Land Reclamation Department Chair, in 1992-2012. The area of interest: soil and water saving, waste recycling, environment sustainability, soil productivity and health, Biogeosystem Technique methodology. Editorial board member of eight scientific journals, 700 monographs, journal and conference papers and 50 patents. Member of the nine international scientific societies including ACS and EGU.

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