Title : Attributes of wheat cultivars for late autumn sowing in genes expression and field estimates
Due to the growing interest in Central and Eastern Europe on the cropping of wheat in optional late autumn terms, called facultative, genetic research and field evaluation were taken on four spring cultivars: Tybalt(NL), Monsun (DE), Ostka Smolicka (PL) and Bombona (PL), currently being recommended by breeders. The PPD gene analyzes, an expression level of dehydrine genes (WCS120 and WDHN13) in the cooling test, and qPCR for RNA isolation and analyses of WCS120 and WDHN13 gene expression at the BBCH12 stage of wheat were estimated. Molecular analysis of PPD-D1 gene confirmed the presence of photoperiod sensitive allele ppd-D1b in all tested genotypes. The highest level of NRE WCS120 gene was detected in cultivars Tybalt and Bombona. Two-year field experimental study assessed the growth, development and productivity of facultative and spring crops of studied cultivars. Based on our results from field experiments and result of molecular analysis of alleles of PPD-D1 gene, the tested genotypes can be considered as potentially facultative genotypes.
Take Away Notes:
• The poster will be presented the results of the molecular characteristics and field data concerned wheat.
• Facultative attributes of wheats allow in Europe to grow wheat in various terms of sowing, which is smart due to climate changes in Poland and other middle European countries.