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2020 Speakers

Nutritional analysis of imported honey into the Maldives

Aishath Naila, Speaker at Plant Biotechnology Conferences
The Maldives National University, Maldives
Title : Nutritional analysis of imported honey into the Maldives


Honey is produced from the nectar of flowers or exudates of the plant parts which are collected by bees (Apis mellifera). These honey bees transform, deposit, dehydrate and store honey in honeycombs. All honey consumed in the Maldives are imported, and according to the Maldives Customs service more than 100 varieties of honey are imported to the country. However, no studies to date have assessed the safety and quality of honey imported into the Maldives. The aim of this study was to assess nutritional value of honey imported into the Maldives and compare the labelling information to that of the analysed values. The results showed that the labelling and the analysed information does agree somewhat. The agreed information include that the honey did not contain any fat content; saturated and transfat. The honey also did not contain fibre. The honey contained 81% of carbohydrate, 0.33% protein, 0.005% acidity, 0.13% ash, 18.66% moisture, and total sugar content of 70.19%. According to the honey product labels, honey contained sodium, vitamin C and iron which can be inferred that the 0.13% of ash are these minerals.

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