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2020 Speakers

Possible application of CRISPR-Cas to plant disease treatment

Bahadir Torun, Speaker at Plant Biology Conferences
Aydin Adnan Menderes University, Turkey
Title : Possible application of CRISPR-Cas to plant disease treatment


Agricultural systems all around the world are threatened by pathogenic diseases. Antimicrobial chemicals are widely used for the treatment of these diseases. Although biological control agents started to used, chemicals are still preferred. A possible solution to this problem is to develop more effective and more specific ways of biological prevention and treatment agents. CRISPR-Cas mediated genome editing is one of the most specific methods in use. This system can be used in two different ways. One is to edit the plant genome as a preventive strategy, the other is to modify the system for pathogen genome as a treatment agent. As a preventive strategy pathogen receptors of the plant can be altered thus preventing pathogen to bind its receptors. As a treatment strategy CRISPR-Cas can be modified to knock-out pathogens genome. 

Audience Take Away:
• A better understanding of one of the possible applications of CRISPR-Cas
• Finding new and effective biological control ways can reduce chemical use
• Although this is already under research, a different point of view can lead to new ideas


Dr. Bahadır Törün studied Biology at Ege University, Turkey, and graduated in 2010. He then completed his master's degree in 2013 at Anadolu University, Eskişehir. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2018 at Aydın Adnan Menderes University. He studied at the University of Science and Technology in Poland for six months. After two years of experience in the private sector, he returned to research, He has published 18 research articles in SCI(E) and other indexed  journals.)

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