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GPB 2025

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Mohammad Babadoost
Keynote Presentation (In-Person)
Mohammad Babadoost, University of Illinois, United States

Illinois is an important state in producing fresh-market tomatoes in the United States. In this state, tomatoes are produced in open-fields and indoors (greenhouses and high tunnels). Weather conditions in Illinois are conducive for developing biotic and abiotic diseases. Several [....] » Read More

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Rameshkumar K B
Keynote Presentation (In-Person)
Rameshkumar K B, Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, India

The plant kingdom represents an extraordinary reservoir of molecules, synthesized from the fascinating laboratory of plants, and Phytochemistry deals with the diversity of such compounds. The Western Ghats, one among the 36 global biodiversity hotspots, harbor nearly 7500 floweri [....] » Read More

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Jacqueline Nguyen
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Jacqueline Nguyen, University of Guelph, Canada

Fungal-derived drugs have revolutionized the landscape of pharmaceuticals. There is an increasing interest in medicinal fungi as nutraceutical products but as demand rises, supply chain issues have emerged. Medicinal and culinary varieties of fungi are often grown in hoop house [....] » Read More

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Ajwal Dsouza
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Ajwal Dsouza, University of Guelph, Canada

Medicinal plants (MPs) are valued for their contributions to human health. However, the growing demand for MPs and the concerns regarding their quality and sustainability have prompted the reassessment of conventional production practices. Controlled environment cropping systems, [....] » Read More

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Andrew Burns
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Andrew Burns, University of Guelph, Canada

Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) is a versatile technology that has the potential to reduce the environmental impact of commercial farming while simultaneously enhancing crop yield and quality. This technology is particularly promising for medicinal plants, as it offers o [....] » Read More

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Zhongsheng Guo
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Zhongsheng Guo, Northwestern A&F University, China

Since 2017, Agriculture development has entered the new stage of Agriculture high-quality development. Agriculture high-quality development is to take some measures and methods to make the land produce the maximum output and benefit and meet people's yearning for a better lif [....] » Read More

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Shaza Roushdy Omar
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Shaza Roushdy Omar, Cairo University, Egypt

Our food security and global trade rely heavily on healthy plants. However, they face constant threats from pests, diseases, and invasive species. Phytosanitary measures, encompassing regulations and practices to protect plants, are crucial for safeguarding agricultural productio [....] » Read More

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Priyanka Prajapati
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Priyanka Prajapati, Banaras Hindu University, India

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) faces considerable challenges in growth and productivity due to soil salinity, a major constraint to agricultural success. This study investigated the potential of fungal endophytes to enhance wheat growth and improve salt tolerance by influencing the [....] » Read More

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Prakash Rajak
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Prakash Rajak, Banaras Hindu University, India

Understanding how rainfall variability influences the ecophysiology of invasive plant in tropical grasslands is vital for sustainable ecosystem management. Climate change affects rainfall, which in turn alters the ecophysiology and functional traits of terrestrial ecosystem. R [....] » Read More

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Moumita Gangopadhyay
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Moumita Gangopadhyay, Adamas University, India

The herbal sector is undergoing a paradigm change towards sustainability, demanding novel techniques to assure a steady supply of high-quality raw materials. This study provides a disruptive approach for meeting the demands of the herbal sector by integrating hydroponics and aero [....] » Read More

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Matilda Ntowa Bissah
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Matilda Ntowa Bissah, CSIR-Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute, Ghana

Rice (Oryza sativa) landraces are important for agriculture and crop improvement. However, the lack of characterization data on rice genetic resources in Ghana limits their use in production and crop improvement purposes. Agro-morphological characterisation was conducted on one h [....] » Read More

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Gerema Amente
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Gerema Amente, Adami Tulu Agricultural research Center, Ethiopia

Conventional vegetative propagation of bananas generally has low production, the transmission of diseases, and poor preservation of original plant genetic material. Micropropagation is currently the only practical means of achieving rapid, large-scale production of disease-free q [....] » Read More

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer, Bihar Institute of Public Administration & Rural Development, India

The environmental and social problems including human health issues caused by injudicious use of chromium in Tamil Nadu, India are investigated. The chrome (a heavy metal) has been used in tanning skin in chrome tanning leather industries. During the process of leather manufact [....] » Read More

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Doaa Jamal Sanad Abu Darwish
Poster Presentation (Virtual)
Doaa Jamal Sanad Abu Darwish, National Agriculture Research Center, Jordan

Hyphaene thebaica (L.) Mart., known as the doum palm, is a highly valuable plant native to Africa, Madagascar, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent. This palm species, critically endangered in Jordan, exhibits significant medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory, [....] » Read More

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