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2024 Speakers

Biotechnologies applied to the improvement of pine for resin production

Ananda Virginia de Aguiar, Speaker at Plant Biotechnology Conferences
Embrapa Florestas, Brazil
Title : Biotechnologies applied to the improvement of pine for resin production


Brazil is the second largest resin producer in the world. Although the activity began in the 60s, little has been done in terms of genetic improvement. The genetic improvement scenario for this purpose is the consolidation of some untested clonal seed orchards (phenotypic) in private companies and public institutions for resin production. However, this is not very representative of the pine accessions that can be explored for this purpose. Furthermore, the genetic improvement program did not show any progress. Thus, in 2017 a cooperative pine project was proposed to wood and resin production. For resin production, production evaluations have been used via the creation of striations, as well as resin flow. The quality of the resin has also been considered based on gas and liquid chromatography and others. Genetic tests are being established, as well as new untested clonal orchards of other pine species and hybrids. The technologies applied to multiply the most productive individuals have been somatic embryogenesis, micro and macropropagation. To induce early flowering, top grafting is performed on young trees or seedlings on adult trees, top grafting. The development of interspecific hybrids or hybrids between different origins is also being carried out. Genome-wide selection is also being considered in this program with the aim of reducing the cycle of genetic improvement. These tools will be important to obtain accurate results in a shorter period. The collaboration between research institutions, universities, and affiliated companies has been the primary strength of this program.

Acknowledgements and financial support: Funpinus, Embrapa Florestas, UFPR; UFSCar- Sorocaba; FEIS/UNESP; IPA


Ananda Virginia de Aguiar is from Embrapa Florestas, Brazil.

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