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2024 Speakers

Braided botany: My thrills of scientific plant research at botanic garden

Geetha Balakrishnan Sreedevi, Speaker at Plant Science Conferences
Kerala State Council For Science Technology and Environment, India
Title : Braided botany: My thrills of scientific plant research at botanic garden


The presentation, "Braided Botany: My Thrills of Scientific Plant Research at Botanic Garden” represents the journey in scientific exploration. The multi-dimensional journey showcases the interconnectedness and continuous growth of scientific plant research at a Botanic Garden in Kerala. The presentation narrates the captivating land scape of Botanic Garden, garden’s overview and commitment to research. It also describes the initial steps taken in research, illustrating challenges and growth, excitement and significance of thrilling scientific achievements and the impact of research on sustainable utilization of plants. Further the presentation covers the scientific exploration that was enriched by collaborations, mentorship and technological advancement, connection with the community, future aspirations, and reflective moments.


Geetha B S is from Kerala State Council For Science Technology and Environment, India.

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