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2024 Speakers

Breeding and latest cultivation technologies of a Solanaceae Vegetable Crops in Armenia

Karine Sarikyan, Speaker at Plant Science Conferences
CJSC of the Ministry of Economy, Armenia
Title : Breeding and latest cultivation technologies of a Solanaceae Vegetable Crops in Armenia


Eggplant, pepper (sweet and chili), tomato is a global crops but is especially popular in World. The plant is rich in bioactive compounds. For almost 90 years, in the Armenia, the local landrace forms, the breeding material of Vavilov Research Institute, INRA, AVRDC, imported from different countries have been studied in the republic: wild forms, varieties of different ecological and geographical origins, hybrids, mutants. The best donors were selected and used in the list of crossbreeding. Classic and modern selection methods were used in breeding. Pedigree, mutagenesis, individual selection, backcross, polycross, improvement methods were used. 

In our scientific research, a lot of work has been done on morphological and phenotypic studies of quite a large number of genetic resources, during which the information and characteristics obtained are still relevant for use in selection work with the latest methods, such as the awareness of germplasm holders about the phenotypic characteristics that are most needed by "omics" research and description of phenotypes [Solanaceae Phenotype ontology (SP)], [Gene Ontology (GO)], Plant Ontology (PO), Phenotype and Trait Ontology (PATO).

In diversification of the National Several Genetic Resources Solanaceae of Armenia, the varieties of eggplant; Yerevani 3, Avand,  Yerevani Manushakaguyn, Armavir, Karine, Tavush, Sev Margarit, Haykakan Vaghahas, Mini Miss, Varderes, Apaga, Spung, the varieties of sweet pepper; Natali, Emili, Mili, Lusapayl, the varieties of hot pepper and chili;  Haykakan Teghakan, Haykakan Geghecik, Hpart, Gita, Zita, Buket, Norabac, in the varieties of fresh tomato; Yerevani 14, Haykakan shtambovi 152, Masisi 202, Zvartnots, Noy, Ranni Nush, Titan, Aspram, the varieties of processing tomato; Renesans, Marine, the varieties of cherry and datterini tomato; Zhanna, Zeitun, Rubina, Emmy created by us, are perspective in the dietary food for consumption with curative purposes.

For the varieties and hybrids created by us, we applied the new Taiwanese technologies developed by AVRDC and perfected in different ecological conditions of our republic (hot, short vegetation, lowland, mountain conditions) for growing eggplant, pepper, tomato.

Thanks to breeding works, more than 100 cultivated varieties of eggplant, pepper and tomato were bred, which were widely distributed in our republic and beyond its borders. At present, the processes of new eggplant, pepper,  tomato varieties and hybrids are ongoing.


Dr. Karine Sarikyan studied Scientist Agronomost Faculty of Horticultural at the Armenian National Agrarian University and graduated as MS in 1985. She then joined the research at the Scientific Center Vegetables & Industrial Crops MoE RA. She received her PhD degree (Agronomy, Plant Industry) in 2011 at the same Scientific Center. In the 1987-2023 she worked position of Plant Breeder, Principial Investigator and Head of the Department. She has published more than 115 research articles, national reports and created 35 new sorts and hybrids of solanaceae vegetable crops. Participated in international and Union conferences and with Presentations. She is Corresponding member of WG Solanaceae and Corresponding member of WG On-farm Conservation and Management ECP/GR_Bioveraity International. She is President Golden Reed Charitable NGO

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