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2024 Speakers

Breeding of new common bean varieties from preferred native genotypes in Mexico

Ramon Garza Garcia, Speaker at Plant Biotechnology Conferences
INIFAP, Mexico
Title : Breeding of new common bean varieties from preferred native genotypes in Mexico


In the High Valleys of the Central Table of Mexico, the cultivation of native beans is very common, and in the Mezquital Valley, in the state of Hidalgo, beans of this origin are used, of the so-called San Franciscano type, which are generally of Indeterminate growth habit and late cycle, with problems of incidence of diseases, such as root rot and common blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Smith)), mainly. To overcome the limitation that these factors represent for production, crosses were made between native San Franciscano genotypes with improved varieties, with resistance to diseases and earlier development cycles. From these crosses, two new varieties have been released, with characteristics of native bean grain, with adaptation to the High Valleys of the Central Mesa of Mexico. These new varieties are Huitel-143 and Xicuco-10. Under rainfed conditions, Huitel-143, of type III growth habit, reaches between 1,485 and 2,900 t ha-1, high culinary quality and a protein content between 23 and 25%; while Xicuco-10, is a variety of determined growth habit, type I of bush, which reaches between 1,200 to 1,800 t ha-1, high culinary quality and with a protein content of 23%. The potential yield of Huitel-143 (>2 t ha-1) represents approximately 25-30% more than what is obtained with native varieties that are planted in the zone of good rainy season in the Central Table. Likewise, Huitel-143 and Xicuco-10 offer good commercial quality due to the characteristics of their San Franciscano type bean, which is a prized and preferred bean in the Mezquital Valley and contributes to preserving the tradition and consumption habits of native beans.


Dr. Ramon Garza Garcia studied Agronomist at the Universidad autónoma de Tamaulipas,, México. He joined the Entomology Program. In 1994 and 1995 He had a training on bean genetics and biotechnology   at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT). He studied to get  master in Science (1985) and PhD (1998) at the Colegio de Postgraduados in México. He working about dry beans entomology and plant breeding. After He had genetic postdoctoral fellowship in 2005, supervised by Drs. Teresa Millán y Juan Gil at the Genetics Laboratory, University of Córdoba, Spain.  He participates in the Bean Breeding Program of the Valle de México Experimental Station.

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