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2024 Speakers

Developing innovative soil-less microgreens cultivation

Khin Mar Cho, Speaker at Plant Science Conferences
Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore
Title : Developing innovative soil-less microgreens cultivation


Food security is a global concern that refers to the availability, accessibility, and stability of safe and nutritious food. To address the need for a reliable, fresh, nutrient-rich and healthy diet, it offers growing microgreens. Microgreens (young seedlings) are edible seedlings of vegetables and herbs consumed as salad, soups, and sandwiches. Eating microgreens has high nutritional values with health benefits. These tiny, nutrient-packed greens are getting popularly used as food dishes to enhance the flavour, texture and colour of our food. Addition to their texture, color, taste, aroma, and visual appeal of several food dishes in restaurant industry and have been promoted as healthy food diet.

Growing microgreens is simple, quick, and easy to grow. Microgreen has a shorter time to harvest and high market values. It can be harvested for eating in 10-14 days depending on the selected seed variety. Microgreens are cultured in substrate media. Microgreens can be grown as part of soilless urban farming to produce reliable and nutritious organic food whilst utilizing unused urban spaces. Microgreens can be grown at different types of seed germination, with choices of growing media in soil-less method.

Microgreens has higher concentration of macro- and micro- nutrients and phytochemical content. The production cost for growing microgreens is minimal, no requirement of specific technical skills and can harvest in a shorter time. Being rich in nutrients and having a short growth cycle, sprouts and microgreens are regarded as microscale vegetables that become ideal for urban indoor farming. It could be an alternative solution of food security to lead sustainability.


Dr Khin Mar Cho is a scientist under CROPS (Centre for Research & Opportunities in Plant Science), School of Applied Science, Temasek Polytechnic. Mar Cho has over 15 years of experience in agricultural and industrial research. Her research areas are growing microgreens and their nutritional profile, optimisation of hydroponics and aquaponics growing systems, urban farming technology, composting methods, sustainable agriculture, soil fertility and soil quality management, plant nutrition, plant tissue culture techniques for orchids, ornamental, and aquatic plants, etc.

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