Title : Study of the several genetic resources lentils from ICARDA in Armenia
In recent years, the use of legumes, including lentils, has been increasingly recognized as ingredients for various food products. This trend goes well with increased concern about the environmental impact of meat production and consumption. Lentil is a legume crop that is one of the staples in many countries. Its global production since 2000 has increased from 3.39 to 6.54 million metric tons. Different lentil varieties have different composition and nutritional value. Lentil is very nutritious food source rich in proteins, fiber, iron and vitamin B. Combined with rice, wheat, or other cereal grains high in sulfur-containing amino acids, lentil proteins can copmlete the daily essential amino acid requirements of people in developing countries and solve their problem of need for consuming animal proteins.
The aim of the work was to study the varieties of samples obtained from ICARDA to study them in different climatic conditions of Armenia in order to select from them resistant, high-yielding varieties with high-quality chemical indicators. 16 cultivars of the global lentil collection received from ICARDA were studied, as well as the new varieties Nare and Hripsime bred by us on their basis, which were tested with 2 Armenian local varieties, Talini-6 and Haykakan 88 varieties. The seeds germinated one week after sowing. Their biological features, morphological features and economically valuable features were studied during the vegetation period. The variety Sell from 1767L stood out for overripeness, its vegetation lasted 70 days, which exceeded the controls by 20 and 24 days. The yield per square meter was: 675 g for Flip2007-12L, 660 g for 2007-4L, 570 g for super-ripe Sell from 1767L, 600 g for small grain Flip2007-3L, 300g near the inspectors, Talini 6. and near Haykakan 88: 330g. The results of the study showed that the yield of the new varieties of large-grained and small-grained Nare and Hripsime lentil exceeded the yield of local varieties by 45-50%. The protein content of lentil fruits was studied, which varied between 22-25.5% according to varieties.