HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Singapore or Virtually from your home or work.

3rd Global Congress on

Plant Biology and Biotechnology

March 11 -13, 2019 | Singapore

Scientific Program

Poster Presentation (Virtual)
Alexander Rushchuk, Pridnestrovian state university named after T.G. Shevchenko, Moldova, Republic of
Poster Presentation (Virtual)
Nina Chavdar, Pridnestrovian state university named after T.G. Shevchenko, Moldova, Republic of
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Ting Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Sergey A Kornatskiy, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Russian Federation


Magnus Group takes the pride to announce that 3rd Edition of Global Congress on Plant Biology and Biotechnology (GPB 2019) held during March 11-13, 2019 at Singapore was a huge success. About 100 participants attended the event and shared their research work, expertise and experiences on Plant Biology and Biotechnology. We would like to thank all the Speakers, Delegates and Students for joining us at Singapore. The Meeting was not meant to be a single event, but a starting point for a series of events that helps to promote various research activities.

Scientific Committee Members

Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019 - Petr Karlovsky

Petr Karlovsky

Georg-August-University Goettingen, Germany
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019 - Dragutin T Mihailovic

Dragutin T Mihailovic

University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019 - Geert De Jaeger

Geert De Jaeger

Center for Plant Systems Biology, VIB-Ghent University, Belgium
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019 - Mohammad Babadoost

Mohammad Babadoost

University of Illinois, United States
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019 - Jeff Bennetzen

Jeff Bennetzen

University of Georgia, United States
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019 - Hanjo Hellmann

Hanjo Hellmann

Washington State University, United States


Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019  - Sergey A Kornatskiy

Sergey A Kornatskiy

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Russian Federation
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019  - Sadasivam Sankaranarayanan

Sadasivam Sankaranarayanan

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019  - Yinghua Huang

Yinghua Huang

Oklahoma State University, United States
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019  - Frantisek Paprstein

Frantisek Paprstein

Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy Ltd, Czech Republic
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019  - Christian Andreasen

Christian Andreasen

University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019  - Ellie Nguyen

Ellie Nguyen

Oklahoma State University, United States
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019  - Haruhiko Murase

Haruhiko Murase

Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019  - Pierre Chagvardieff

Pierre Chagvardieff

CEA, France
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019  - Sowmyalakshmi Subramanian

Sowmyalakshmi Subramanian

McGill University, Canada
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019  - Joel T Heinen

Joel T Heinen

Florida International University, United States
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019  - Marta Valdez Melara

Marta Valdez Melara

The University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica, United States
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2019  - Massimo Bosacchi

Massimo Bosacchi

KWS Gateway Research Center, United States


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Plant Science Conference 2017 | Valencia, Spain
Plant Science Conference 2018 | Rome, Italy
Plant Science Conference 2018 | Rome, Italy
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