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Plant Anatomy and Morphology

Plant Anatomy and Morphology

The study of the tissue and cell structure of plant organs is known as plant anatomy or phytotomy. When it comes to plants, anatomy refers to features that can be seen under a high-powered light microscope or an electron microscope.

  • Monocot
  • Dicot
  • Vascular tissue
  • Xylem
  • Phloem

Morphology is the branch of biology concerned with the form of living entities. Plant morphology, also known as phytomorphology, is the study of a plant's physical form and visible structure, whereas plant anatomy is the study of a plant's interior structure, typically at the cellular/microscopic level. A morphologist compares and formulates opinions about similarities in a variety of plants from the same or different species. Plants' vegetative (somatic) and reproductive structures are studied.

  • Homology
  • Analogy
  • Vegetative character
  • Reproductive characters
Committee Members
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Mohammad Babadoost

Mohammad Babadoost

University of Illinois, United States
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Edward Curry Owner

Edward Curry Owner

Curry Farms, United States
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Mary Cole

Mary Cole

The University of Melbourne, Australia
2025 Speakers Speakers
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Mohammad Babadoost
Mohammad Babadoost
University of Illinois, United States
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Mary Cole
Mary Cole
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Speaker at Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2025 - Edward Curry Owner
Edward Curry Owner
Curry Farms, United States

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