Plant pathology is a field that investigates plant diseases and aims to increase plant survival when confronted with poor environmental circumstances and disease-causing parasite microbes. Plant pathology is the study of the biotic and abiotic factors that cause plants to fail to reach their genetic potential, it aims to develop interventions to protect plants, reduce crop losses, and increase food security. When virulent pathogens infect susceptible plants under favorable environmental circumstances, it is called biotic disease. Diseases that are caused by physical or chemical nonliving factors are termed as abiotic diseases.
Plant disease management: Plant diseases disrupt the normal structure and functioning of our agricultural and non-crop plants, potentially lowering their marketability and aesthetic value. Plant disease management reduces the financial and aesthetic damage caused by abiotic and biotic disease. Anticipating the occurrence of disease and treating vulnerable stages in the disease cycle are the cornerstones of plant disease management.
Title : Techniques for Identification and managing bacterial and fungal diseases of tomatoes
Mohammad Babadoost, University of Illinois, United States
Title : The importance of plant biology research in supporting phytosanitary capacities and applications
Shaza Roushdy Omar, Cairo University, Egypt
Title : Key innovations of prognostic breeding that increase the efficiency of crop genetic improvement
Vasilia A Fasoula, Adjunct Research Scientist and Consultant, United States
Title : Phytochemical diversity of the flora of the Western Ghats- An investigation through hyphenated mass spectrometric techniques
Rameshkumar K B, Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, India
Title : Fungal endophytes promote wheat growth (PBW-343) and enhance salt tolerance through improvement of ascorbate glutathione cycle and gene expression
Priyanka Prajapati, Banaras Hindu University, India
Title : Abc1kN is involved in glucosinolate metabolism and stress response during seed development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Giovanni DalCorso, University of Verona, Italy